Wow! Did you hear about the latest updates?
Google will make effective as of October the 11th, regarding its online advertising rules and regulations? As a digital marketer you probably know by now that AdWords has officially rebranded to Google Ads. Whether you are for or against the changes made with Google’s advertising services, there is one certain thing – You have to stick with them.
Having that in mind, there recently has been a ton of updates in regard to creating and improving your campaigns. Here are your top 3 tips for launching a successful Google Ads campaign.
Let’s rock’n’roll!
Having a well-structured account will ensure that the searches triggering your ads are relevant for your targeted audience, resulting in better quality scores and lower prices. Don’t forget that keywords, ads and ad groups in each campaign should be tightly related and in return Google will reward you with lower advertising costs. Here’s an example of a well-structured Google Ads account.
My advice here would be when you start your Google Ads campaign, allocate your whole budget (i.e. monthly) into daily amounts you would like to spend, which are derived based on the conclusions of the research you have already carried out regarding your market and target audience.
Even, if your campaign is not performing as expected straight away, wait a week or two to gather enough data and the adjustments needed based on the performance of the Ad so far. This will allow you to ease into the campaign while monitoring how the traffic performs based on your targeting and not waste your entire budget in the first few days (aiming to make an overnight success), which is actually not possible without the right CPC ratio achieved and geo-coverage reached.
Speaking from experience, the Ad copy and image are the first steps in succeeding when launching an online ad. These are the things that will set you aside from the millions of campaigns out there. So, the Ad copy is responsible for attracting just the right people for your business (as well as the right technical targeting). On the other hand, the Images you choose for your ads need to grab the attention of your potential customer and make them want to click on your ad.
Now, the good news is that Google Ads changes will not become effective till October 11, 2018. Until then, you have time to familiarize yourself with the new experience framework. And if you’re confused and don’t know how to start your marketing campaign, allocate your budget in an efficient way, apply cutting edge tools for re-targeting and re-marketing, don’t be shy and let us know how can we help with your Google Ads marketing strategy.
Digital Marketing Specialist
ExpandX Marketing