With no quality digital assets and digital presence businesses can not grow and can’t compete at all | Тemelko Dechev, Managing Partner, ExpandX Marketing & Web, in „Business Start” by BloombergTV

In order to expand globally, to reach new markets or to win market share the businesses should first be extremely specific about which countries, cities or regions they are willing to penetrate and why.

It is also extremely important to consider how well the specific niche is already developed. If so at all? That will define the marketing cost at awareness levels.

“I would recommend to those businesses who wish to conquer new markets, to have very well-prepared and outlined in details analysis of why would customers choose their products or services over the ones of the competitors that are already being bought.” Temelko Dechev said for Bloomberg.

As per the new tendencies and recent insights related to the marketing strategies he pointed out that in recent years clients are looking for complete, the so called A-Z solutions that equip the business with the full spectrum of marketing, advertising, digital presence, digital assets, web development and sales services.

Collection and processing of personal data is now done in a different way – the end customer has a choice.

Can marketing coexist with data privacy? Of course, all of the recent regulations really put limits on how digital marketers are able to use information to create a personalized experience for shoppers and customers. It’s no wonder that Gartner predicted that 80% of marketers will abandon personalization efforts by 2025.

Where it was once commonplace to track target leads through an entire sales journey, certain elements of the process are now starting to evolve to remain in line with certain global privacy restrictions. But there are many ways this all can be tackled in an extremely effective way both for the business and the end user.

Тhe experiences are the most valuable currency of the digital world and in social media

If we take video marketing for example this marketing tool is gaining so much speed in the recent years that not only businesses are taking advantages of it and add it to their marketing mix, but global giants and enterprises like Meta for example add this line of business as one of the main service tools: Reels in Instagram and LIVE videos by Facebook. There are so many other examples.

Businesses should invest in video marketing more than ever before. This is a key element of the marketing mix nowadays.

On another note, the role of the business development manager is important and a key element of the overall growth efforts but is far from enough if not supplemented and preceded by quality digital marketing, proper competitive positioning, engaging content mix and alignment of value proposition by the marketing and sales teams of a certain organization.  

If a business doesn’t have quality digital assets, content, image and competitive digital presence it is as if it does not exist at all.

„This is extremely important as businesses should stay ahead of their competitors on so many marketing, sales and business verticals. They should communicate, engage and connect with their potential and current audiences in a very authentic and genuine way. They should be there where the people are and spend time.” Temelko Dechev said.

More insights, trends and useful tips on how businesses can expand globally, align their marketing, sales and digital activities you can find in the video below, here or in this material Investor.bg.

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ExpandX Marketing & Web


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