Earlier this month, the Managing Partner of ExpandX Marketing and Web participated as a speaker at the 8th Digital4Plovdiv conference.

The conference was held on 12 and 13 October 2023 as part of the Digital4 series of conferences, which are among the largest events in the digital marketing and e-commerce industry in SEE. This particular event was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


The Latest Trends in B2B Sales and Marketing

During his presentation, Temelko Dechev, CEO of ExpandX and an experienced entrepreneur delivered an engaging talk with substantial practical value for the attendees – business owners, entrepreneurs, founders, and C-level executives. He delved into various topics, among which the latest trends, and insights related to B2B sales and marketing.

The attendees had the chance to hear valuable insider advice on market and commercial growth, backed by real-life business examples from our own success story and the results we have achieved in the past few years for our clients in North America, Europe and Middle East.

A photo of Temelko Dechev, CEO of ExpandX Marketing and Web, whole presenting on stage

Temelko Dechev was welcomed by a packed hall with hundreds of bright minds who were eager to hear his thoughts on the niche topic of B2B marketing and sales. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, where some of the participants engaged in practical discussions of the business challenges they face.

Flawless as usual, the high-quality overall organization of the event deserves a round of applause! Sincere thanks to the host team behind the conference’s organization, for the invitation and the opportunity to present in front of such an elite audience.

What do our clients say about us?

“We are also seeing some increase in our traffic levels, time spent on the website, and other important metrics.”

Frederico Mancini | Owner & CEO, The Sailing Nation Ltd | Madrid, Spain

“Their ability to quickly understand our needs was impressive.”

CEO, Elderly Companion Care Provider | Vienna, Austria

“Their vast expertise, professionalism, communication, flexibility, and understanding of our vision are impressive.”

Anelia Kostadinova | General Manager, COMPUTER 2000 | Sofia, Bulgaria

“It’s a complete package that can really assist or help all your needs, especially in digital marketing.”

Ali Javan, Owner | IT Services Company | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

See those and more verified client reviews in the international B2B rating platform Clutch: click this link to access our company profile in Clutch.

We work with clients based in North America, Europe, and the Middle East.

Headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, ExpandX Marketing and Web has representatives in London, Vienna, New York, Madrid, and Munich. Connect with us and let us work together to expand your business.

Also, don’t forget to regularly check our blog for news, insights, and trends in the fields of digital services, e-commerce, digital marketing, web development, and more.


Learn more about our services and how we can support you with your digital marketing here: Services – ExpandX Marketing & Web.

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ExpandX Marketing & Web





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