Testing New Tools for Horizon Worlds Creators To Earn Money

Meta is testing new features to let creators make money within Horizon Worlds, the company’s social metaverse platform for Quest VR headsets that is soon coming to mobile phones and possibly game consoles.

The metaverse—by nature of its not being limited by physical space—will bring a new level of creativity and open up new opportunities for the next generation of creators and businesses to pursue their passions and create livelihoods.

Creators and entrepreneurs will have more freedom to find a business model that works for them. So we’re excited to take this step today and expand further on the $10 million Horizon Creators Fund we announced last October, which we’ve been using to provide resources to Horizon Worlds creators. We’ll continue to work with our creator community and test and learn.

“While the focus is on monetization for creators now, ads may be an area we want to explore in the future”

Meta is also rolling out a “goal-oriented bonus program” to encourage creators to use its tools and build out their worlds. These bonuses will not be subject to fees and will be paid in full. They are determined largely based on the engagement a creator’s world receives, according to Sharma.

We’re beginning to roll out a test with a handful of creators that will let them sell virtual items and effects within their worlds. For example, someone could make and sell attachable accessories for a fashion world or offer paid access to a new part of a world.

Selling Virtual Items and Effects

Learn more details on the Metaverse topics and the future of digital marketing, web 3.0 and tech developments in this article by Oculus.

You can also check the video below that the team of ExpandX has selected for you to easily grasp on the opportunities lying ahead of the business that want to enter the Metaverse and start having solid presence there.

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