We would love to show to the world wide web, how great, unique, dedicated, creative and talented our X Factor Professionals are. 


Meet Marissa Sharlow –  our Marketing Specialist straight from New York State, USA.


1. What were you doing before ExpandX Marketing & Web

Before ExpandX Marketing & Web I was finishing a semester abroad in Glasgow, Scotland and finishing my undergraduate in Communication (Public Relations & Advertising) at the State University of New York at Cortland.

2. Your passion in marketing is?

I currently enjoy doing copywriting oriented tasks, but I’m eager to expand my skill set in other areas of marketing.

3. What’s your go to productivity trick?

Coffee, lots of coffee.

4. Tell us 3 fun facts about you 😛

I played ice hockey in college, so far I’ve been to about 10 different countries, and currently I’m trying to learn Bulgarian (I’m not very good at the moment).

5. If you could have a superpower, which one would it be and why ?

Any kind of superpower that’s going to make it easier for me to get from point A to point B.

6. What three words would your friends use to describe you ?

Funny, loyal, and dependable.

7. A song that puts you in a good mood ?

Anything by Dua Lipa.


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