So, you’ve decided to enter the digital space and you’ve created a social media account. Now what?

Once you understand your audience, you’ll want to convert them into customers, right? For that, you’ll need to create content that is of value to them.

Valuable content should be entertaining, informational, educational, and promotional. It doesn’t need to cover all of these, but it should cover at least one. When deciding what to post, fist you need an idea. Turn this idea into a creation and post it. Learn from its performance and iterate.

How to decide what to post? Here are some content best practices:

Use high-quality content – photos, creative, copy and videos

It is very important not to throw random content at your followers and audience. It may sound self-explanatory in a way but we often see that fundamental error being present in quite a number of marketing activities.

Now here we want to stress that the term high-quality does not only fall into the technical terms of your visual content. Here we want to refer to the professional and thought-driven planing and execution of your communication and marketing strategy.

Why would you choose one visual content over another one, what is the main goal of the marketing activity, how does it fit in the whole (short/long-term) marketing strategy, when would it be shared, where would it be shared, whom it should speak to and who should it attract the attention of?

What action do we want to provoke with it throughout our audience. And many other questions for which if we do not have a solid answer to we may fall into the trap of having low-quality content.

Remember that under high-quality content we mean content that gives value and saves time of your audience.

Keep it simple

Communicate one main message or idea. At a time. Be vary cautious with your copy-writing and do not try to say everything you have been tinging of during the last week with one single post. There needs to be only one focus that makes the attention clear.

Explore and experiment

Share your content through variety of formats – images (creatives), photos, stories, video and more. Experiment not just with the formats, but also with ideas and concepts. By doing this, you will see what your audience is responding best to and you can adjust to it. 

Stay consistent

When it comes to branding, consistency is a key element. Make sure you stay consistent in your values, voice, tone, and posting frequency. And many other marketing aspects too. What is the most important is not to devalue your brand and not to fall in the trap of branding/image identity crisis.


Create a content calendar. If you don’t have one this means that you have taken a new path without having a map and without knowing where you want to go. The chances of getting lost are higher. By having a communication or a content strategy plan you will also have a clear vision of your focus topics, goals, posts and key-messages in an optimal and effective way. By planning your content ahead, you can also focus on your long/short term business goals and swiftly respond to the ever-changing competitive environment.

Read the ExpandX Marketing & Web blog for more details

Nowadays, you can create engaging content if you put your mind to it. Once you have the idea, there are many tools that can help out see it come to live from the comfort of your own home. By following these practices, we create more engaging and targeted content than ever. Can you say the same for your content? 



Asena | Marketing Specialist 

ExpandX Marketing & Web

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