ExpandX Marketing and Web has been ranked by The Manifest as one of the most-reviewed digital agencies in 2024.

We are proud to share with you that we’ve achieved this in four countries in Europe, one in the Middle East, and three states in the USA.

Once again, our team’s hard work and dedication to delivering high-quality services have brought us under the spotligh of the global B2B rating platforms.

How does the ranking work and why we were ranked among the top three most reviewed digital agencies in five diferent countries?

Watch the video below to find out!


How Does the Ranking Work?

For those unfamiliar with The Manifest, it’s a sister company to the B2B rating platform Clutch.

On Clutch, companies from around the globe are reviewed by their clients after a rigorous verification process. These reviews are the base for a company’s ranking on the Manifest.

A company’s ranking on the Manifest is affected by two main factors: the service focus and the number, quality, and recency of reviews on Clutch.


Our Categories

Our Agency earned its spot among the most reviewed companies in the following service categories:

  • Digital Marketing and its sub-categories PPC Advertising and Social Media Marketing
  • Web Development and Web Design.


Our Ranking around the Globe

Here are some of our brightest results this year:

For its digital marketing services, ExpandX was ranked as one of the top 3 most reviewed digital agencies in Atlanta, US, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria and Dubai.


We reached the top 10 in the UK in two categories – PPC advertising and social media marketing. We’ve also climbed the charts in New York City and Philadelphia, securing spots among the top 10 companies across different marketing categories.

Our high-quality web developments services got us the impressive 3rd place in Atlanta, USA, where ExpandX is also ranked in top 3 in the broader gategory named “Full-Service Digital Company”.


For our web design services, we were ranked at the prestigious 4th place in Germany.


Thank You for Your Reviews!

We are deeply appreciative to all our clients for their amazing 5-star reviews that got us this high at the Manifest’s charts.

Thank you for taking the time to review us and most of all – thank you for your trust and support along the way!


Our Profile on the Clutch Platform

If you are curious to read some of our reviews on Clutch, please don’t hesitate to visit our profile there: here is a link.



Interested in working with ExpandX? Get in touch with us by dropping us a line or ringing a call. We can’t wait to hear from you.


ExpandX Marketing & Web

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