For another consecutive year the prestigious contest “Мanager of the year“ hosted by Manager magazine took place in a stylish awards ceremony attended by many notable figures with  business, cultural and political profiles. ExpandX I Marketing & Web, attended the event for a consecutive third year.

Svetla Nestorova, CEO and Chairperson of the Management Board of Bulstrad Life Vienna Insurance Group won the prestigious award. It is the second time that a woman wins the competition and it happened in the year when there is parity between men and women in the Final 10 list. The event was traditionally organized by The Manager Magazine and was hosted by the National Opera and Ballet.

Her name was announced by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev. “We need individuals that can transfer information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom. The managers in this hall are exactly like that. I am happy and impressed that all the finalists tonight are Bulgarian managers. You are building the business to come as well as our next generation leaders. We, as a nation, need you because you inspire and develop the biggest national capital – the young generation,” said the President before giving the crystal award to the winner.

Among the other finalists were three more AmCham Bulgaria members: Maria Grashnova, CEO, Dentsu Aegis Networks, Vesela Ilieva, CEO, Unique Estates, Asen Georgiev, Regional manager, HP Inc. Bulgaria.

Congratulations to the rest of the finalists – Georg Zamanov, CEO and Member of the Board of Allianz Bank Bulgaria, Dobroslav Dimitrov, Executive Director, Imperia Online; Mariela Madzharova, Executive Director, Teletek Electronics; Radoslav Nikolov, Exective Director, SAP Labs Bulgaria, and Hristo Hristov, founder and owner of Discordia.

The other special award at the name of the late Prof. Lachezar Tsotsorkov “For the Regional Development” was given to Dimitar Galabov, Executive Director, Sutherland Global Services Bulgaria.

ExpandX Marketing & Web, Digital Marketing, Дигитален Маркетинг, Продажби, Реклама, Оптимизация, Фейсбук реклама, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Digital, Web, Online Ads,

“All of you, dear participants and finalists, are that part of the elite of our society that has the courage to believe and to transform faith and dreams for our better tomorrow,” said in his remarks the inspirator of the event and publisher of the Manager Magazine Vasil Mirchev.


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